Before I Die

  1. learn how to drive
  2. make my own melted crayon art
  3. write a song 
  4. spend a day holding up a free hugs sign 
  5. smash a guitar
  6. have a water gun fight with my best friends
  7. open a coffe shop/bakery
  8. learn how to do graffiti
  9. get in a taxi and yell “follow that car” with my bff
  10. become a vegetarian
  11. tie messages to ballons and let them go
  12. have my dog as my bf (she died at 11 years old)
  13. escape
  14. kiss a stranger
  15. have a shaving cream fight with my bff´s
  16. date a celebrity
  17. be kissed in the rain
  18. fall in love with someone who loves me back
  19. write a book
  20. have a summer job (like walking dogs or doing car wash)
  21. become a photografer
  22. become a baker
  23. have a fluffy small puppy
  24. paint my room with friends
  25. win a hole shopping day 
  26. meet porta (spanish rap singer, love him)
  27. finish my career
  28. travel the world
  29. have a beautifull traveling bag set
  30. be happy

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